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三人组-INSPIRE outreach and engagement projects

benwah Latah向上跳跃 provides college preparatory support and guidance to students from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in postsecondary education. We are dedicated to working with its scholars to develop into their full potential as the future stewards of the community, our nation and are interconnected world. 服务 include tutoring, counseling, mentoring, summer courses and financial literacy training. We strongly encourage all participants to actively engage in as many of these activities as services as possible. We serve students at Lakeside High School in Plummer, 爱达荷州 and Potlatch JR/SR High School in Potlatch, 爱达荷州.

» 联系benwah Latah向上跳跃.

我在考虑回学校, 提升你的技能, or completing a technical career training program? The 教育机会中心 can help you form realistic educational goals and identify programs that match your needs. 我们的顾问可以协助:

  • Obtaining your GED or High School Completion
  • 探索职业
  • 比较项目和学校
  • Completing admissions and enrollment requirements
  • Identifying and filling out financial aid forms and verification paperwork
  • 拖欠学生贷款咨询
  • 和更多的!

We are here to make furthering your education attainable for you, and because we are funded by a federal grant, 我们所有的服务都是免费的. The primary goal of EOC is to increase the number of adults 19 and older enrolled in educational and career programs after high school. 在某些情况下, EOC may serve individuals younger than 19, such as individuals who have enrolled in alternative education programs.

The 教育机会中心 is based out of the University of 爱达荷州 Boise Center, and is funded to serve Ada and Canyon County. 联系 the 教育机会中心.

» 应用 to the 教育机会中心

银谷向上 is committed to ensuring that each student is provided with quality opportunity in education that allow for development of character and leadership skills that will prepare him or her for success in high school and college. 我们的使命是帮助低收入者, 第一代, college-bound students in the Silver Valley, which includes Kellogg and Wallace high schools.

» 联系项目主管Arielle Horan

We provide real-world STEM learning, field-trips, college preparation, and campus experiences. We support the path of our students through high school toward college and career. Projects include Upward Bound Math Science (UBMS) in the Lewis-Clark Valley, 爱达荷州NASA nesp机器人挑战赛, 高中地质实习. To learn more please visit our wordpress page.



罗纳德·E. 麦克奈尔 Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program is a comprehensive program structured to prepare undergraduates for successful careers as graduate students, 教授和专业研究人员. 在365滚球官网, the 麦克奈尔 Program will provide services to at least twenty-five students each year.

All students participate in academic year and summer graduate preparatory activities until they graduate and enroll in a doctoral program. 三人组 麦克奈尔 Scholars are motivated students who have both the desire and the potential to earn a doctorate degree. Scholars participating in the program increase and refine their academic skills and learn the tools necessary to be successful in graduate school.


桥爱达荷州 is an organization dedicated to educational opportunity, college access and achievement in higher education for low-income and first-generation students. We act as a resource and advocate for our participants who are preparing for, transitioning to and attending higher education institutions. 项目 that fall under 桥爱达荷州 include Lapwai and Orofino Upward Bound, Kamiah and Clearwater Valley Upward Bound, 内兹佩尔塞 Tribal Executive Committee Local Education Program, 大学入学挑战补助金, 夏季食品服务计划, Bridge Program and Cooperative Institutional 研究 Program (CIRP). 联络桥爱达荷州.